On-Demand Webinar

Intelligent Process Automation

Enhancing Customer Experiences with Conversational AI and IBM Watson


Akash Pavate

Practice Manager - Cognitive, AI/ML and Innovation Miracle Software Systems

Manish Sampat

WW Sales Leader, Customer Care / Watson IBM
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On-Demand Webinar

November 10, 2022
Enhancing Customer Experiences with Conversational AI and IBM Watson

Akash Pavate

Practice Manager - Cognitive, AI/ML and Innovation Miracle Software Systems

Manish Sampat

WW Sales Leader, Customer Care / Watson IBM
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Online Webinar

November 10, 2022

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Enhancing Customer Experiences with Conversational AI and IBM Watson


Akash Pavate

Practice Manager - Cognitive, AI/ML and Innovation Miracle Software Systems

Manish Sampat

WW Sales Leader, Customer Care / Watson IBM
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Conversational AI is changing the way we interact with businesses. They use data, machine learning, and natural language processing to enable effective human-computer communication. IBM Watson enables organizations of any size to seamlessly build custom integrations between existing systems like SAP, Salesforce, and more and expose them to users via Virtual Agents.

Join us and watch the on-demand webinar relay video, to learn how Miracle Software Systems can help you develop intelligent virtual agents and cognitive applications using the IBM Watson suite of cognitive services and IBM Cloud. We will also have experts from IBM who will demonstrate how to build and integrate virtual agents with custom applications.

Miracle Loader

Intelligent Process Automation

Conversational AI is changing the way we interact with businesses. They use data, machine learning, and natural language processing to enable effective human-computer communication. IBM Watson enables organizations of any size to seamlessly build custom integrations between existing systems like SAP, Salesforce, and more and expose them to users via Virtual Agents.

Join us for a webinar on November 10th, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST, to learn how Miracle Software Systems can help you develop intelligent virtual agents and cognitive applications using the IBM Watson suite of cognitive services and IBM Cloud. We will also have experts from IBM who will demonstrate how to build and integrate virtual agents with custom applications.

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