Handling and maintenance of a massive number of requests manually is hard! So, to eliminate the manual work we have created a Bot that automates the whole long and tiring process of case/ticket maintenance, from login to logout. It auto-clears all the tickets along with logging, downloading, fetching info, validating and generating reports.
Watch this video to learn from our experts about how we have created this bot with RPA using UiPath. Also, learn how it triggers and handles the tickets, and generate case documents automatically through auto-login into the Salesforce portal. This can let you experience a smart change in...
Handling and maintenance of a massive number of requests manually is hard! So, to eliminate the manual work we have created a Bot that automates the whole long and tiring process of case/ticket maintenance, from login to logout. It auto-clears all the tickets along with logging, downloading, fetching info, validating and generating reports.
Watch this video to learn from our experts about how we have created this bot with RPA using UiPath. Also, learn how it triggers and handles the tickets, and generate case documents automatically through auto-login into the Salesforce portal. This can let you experience a smart change in your business.
Automation Zone is a video series brought to you by Miracle's RPA Center of Excellence. For more videos please visit http://www.miraclesoft.com/automationzone